conformities to law of psychical development, factor of personality, osvitolohiia, space of osvitolohiiaAbstract
In the article the factor of personality is reflected in educational space. Theoretical ideas and methodological
going are reasonable near rich in content determination of factor of personality in innovative industry –
educology (“osvitolohiia”).
The purpose of the article is to disclose the factor of the personality as the priority regularity of the development of
the new scientific approach in the integrated research of the osvitological principles.
It was used the methods of theoretical, methodological analysis of the scientific sources and experience of the
practical implementation of the main learning outcomes.
Summarizing the study of the key notion “personality factor” it is advisable to emphasize the actuality of its
development and implementation in the multidisciplinary educational process of the research of the new field.
Accordingly, the results of the research of the nature and objects of the new scientific field – osvitolohiya – can make
innovation area of the personal development in terms of multidisciplinary education of the modern university. This
osvitological space is the synergistic for its meaning, incentive and subjective for its influences that are directed to the
formation of students’ competitiveness as necessary quality of the specialist in market education.
It is provided for making changes in the organization of the training activities. These changes relate to cognitive
methods, scientific, organizational and other activities. “Osvitolohizm” as the integrated for its actions method of the
establishing of the interdisciplinary connections in organizational improvement of the area.
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