academic integrity, dishonesty, quality of education, transparency.Abstract
The issues of academic integrity and the trends in its development in the European context and in Ukraine have been analyzed in the article. The general and specific trends in the development of academic integrity of future specialists in Europe and in France in particular have been highlighted. The definitional analysis of the categories «academic integrity» and «transparency» has been carried out and the components of academic integrity have been considered. The academic integrity as a component of the quality of education and its provision at the legislative level in the European countries has been analysed. Academic integrity has been considered as certain moral and ethical principles that all members of a civilized educational and scientific community must clearly observe during teaching, learning and scientific activities. The issue of academic integrity has been pointed out as basic and relevant for modern higher education, science, culture and art in the period of global changes in society. The peculiarities of academic integrity development of future specialists have been characterized. Universal features of the development of academic integrity, such as multidimensionality, transparency, objectivity, motivation and the content of improvement, have been highlighted. The concept of academic dishonesty and its manifestation have been analysed. The concepts of plagiarism and its signs, as well as its interpretation in the European context, have been examined. The experience of the European countries in the development of academic integrity and working methods for increasing the level of academic writing to strengthen one’s own argumentation of the facts researched by the scientist, as well as to improve the quality of researchers’ scientific publications by observing the requirements for the scientific articles structure. The article deals with the importance of the introduction of educational on-line trainings on the correct justification and presentation of the author’s scientific achievements, the citation of the scientific works provisions and the dissemination of this practice among the educational community, partnerships between universities and business entities. The concept of a healthy academic culture and its expression has been disclosed. The experience of France in the development and maintenance of academic integrity has been considered.
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