cloud hosting, E-learning quality parameters, e-learning standards, medical university, MoodleCloud learning platform, professional development of academic staff.Abstract
The article outlines the main directions of research of domestic and foreign scholars regarding the problem of cloud technologies in higher education. The technical characteristics, psychological, pedagogical and didactic conditions for using the MoodleCloud learning platform for the professional development of medical university academic staff are determined. Findings from this study include information about the international quality standards of e-learning and online courses for the professional development of educators (UNIQUE і ECB CHECK; the Quality Matters Continuing & Professional ED Rubric Standards, the USA etc.). The article describes the experience of Donetsk National Medical University concerning implementation of MoodleCloud learning platform in the professional development of academic staff. The emphasis is on the main components of E-learning content «Pedagogy of a higher medical school», which are characterised in the article: simple learning resources, interactive e-lessons, electronic simulations and job aids. The possibilities of cloud hosting for the professional development of teachers of higher medical educational institutions are analyzed on the example of the program «Pedagogy of a higher medical school» developed on the Moodle learning platform. The quality of an e-learning course is enhanced by: learner-centred content, granularity, engaging content, interactivity, personalization. The audit parameters (quality criteria) of the academic staff development program on the Moodle learning platform are presented: information about organization of program; target audience orientation; quality of content; program course design; media Design; technology and evaluation & review). From the material presented in this paper, the following theme may require further attention: examining international quality frameworks and standards in E-Learning Systems.
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