competence, pedagogical competence, pedagogical competence of the teacher, pedagogical competence of the teacher of psychology, structure pedagogical competence of the teacher of psychology.Abstract
The article substantiates the relevance of the study of the pedagogical competence of a teacher of psychology at a higher school and its structure. The scientific approaches to determining the pedagogical competence of a teacher of psychology have been analysed. The article reflects the essence of the pedagogical competence of a teacher of psychology at a higher school within the limits of the competency-based approach, according to which pedagogical competence of a teacher of psychology is the formed result of psychological and pedagogical training of a future teacher and is his professionalism component.
Pedagogical competence of a teacher of psychology at a higher school is determined as a personality and professional characteristic, which consists in a high professional psychological and pedagogical preparation, his or her suitability for teaching activities in the field of psychology, a high level of professionalism of a teacher and psychologist, the presence of a number of personality traits necessary for the effective implementation of pedagogical activities. As a result of the analysis of scientific sources, the components of the pedagogical competence of a teacher of psychology at a higher school have been substantiated, generalized and systematized, namely: value-motivational, personality, professional and vocational, scientific and research, methodological, information and technological, creative. For each of these components there have been substantiated necessary skills and qualities of teachers of psychology. The article also defines and substantiates five criteria for the formation of the pedagogical competence of a teacher of psychology at a higher education institution, namely: value-motivational; personality; intellectual; self-realization. For each of these criteria the formation indicators have been determined. The formation of each criterion should be evaluated at three levels - high, medium and low, each of which corresponds to the presence of these or those indicators.
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