base competences, conceptual model, key competences, modern higher education institution, professional competence of the teacher of higher education institutionAbstract
Based on the analysis of the theoretical aspects of the researched problem, an indicative model of professional competence of a modern higher education institution teacher has been developed and proposed, which covers basic and key competencies as components of the goal of a higher school teacher’s training in the conditions of integration processes. The teacher’s professional competency model is a theoretical construction that defines the goals and principles of the development and implementation of the model, its structure and content, ways to achieve the conditions set in the HEI for his or her personal professional development in the educational environment. In the process of developing the components of a specialist’s model, the requirements for the modern higher education institution teacher were determined in accordance with the types of his or her activities; also the teacher’s necessary theoretical knowledge, practical skills and competencies were highlighted. In the process of the research there were substantiated and filled with contents the basic and key competencies in the structure of a higher education institution teacher’s professional competence which form the basis of a teacher’s competence-based model. By the term «a higher education teacher’s competence-based model» we understand a system of interrelated components: basic and key competencies, the mastery of which will contribute to the personal and professional formation and growth of a higher education teacher’s competitiveness and professional mobility that will meet the requirements of the time and the educational needs. The higher education institution teacher’s model does not involve only professional but also a teacher’s personal development, his or her self-improvement and acmeological culture development.
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