education, educational services, measurements of education quality assurance, monitoring, professional skills, quality of education, strategic goals.Abstract
The article reveals one of the strategic objectives of creating a European Higher Education Area- quality assurance. The article includes analysis of the Council of Europe documents on further development of education quality assurance. It has been proved the need for the quality of higher education monitoring and external evaluation of teachers’ work as one of the trends in the higher education development. The European quality assurance systems (on the examples of Germany, Netherlands, and Finland) are analyzed. The types of assessment carried out by the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council and the principles of its functioning are represented. The stages of the quality of higher education examination in Germany are revealed. The task of the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO), which provides accreditation of educational programs in the Netherlands, is formulated. It has been determined the principles, mechanisms and types of Evaluation of Higher Education in Europe, stages of examination with a view to their further implementation in higher education in Ukraine.References
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