education of children with special needs, inclusive education, inclusive study, integrated education, public educational policy, training teachers to work in inclusive education settings.Abstract
The article consolidates information sources for the development and implementation of public educational policy of Ukraine in the field of education of people with special needs; specifies the urgent problems of the industry which need resolving with regard to the current requirements of the state and civil society; provides the insights into the status of the development of national legislation on education in inclusive education; reveals the urgency of solving problems to overcome negative stereotypes of perception of children with disabilities by the society; analyses the preparedness of Ukraine’s education system to implement the priorities of personnel policy training to ensure quality of the educational process in the settings of inclusion.
It has substantiated by the author that implementation of the new strategy of educational policy on education of people with disabilities in Ukraine, whose one of the principles of is person-centeredness, is aimed at solving pressing problems – ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens for quality education and equal access to quality education. Among the contemporary world trends, which the educational policy of Ukraine is oriented at, as investigated the issue is concerned, the author singled out the following: ensuring equal access to quality education for children with special educational needs, socialisation of people with special psychophysical needs, formation of a tolerant and open society, overcoming all forms of discrimination occurred in relation to them, changes biased social attitudes to this category of people and positioning them as full members of society. The article proves that providing equal access to quality education for citizens with special psychophysical needs (most of whom are persons with disabilities) is one of the priorities of establishing a new system of values in education policy of Ukraine. It has been identified as the distinctive feature of the modern state personnel policy of Ukraine in the field of education of people with disabilities that teaching children with special psychophysical needs in inclusive classes of secondary schools should be performed through organising correctional and developmental work on a basis of specific curricula, programs, textbooks and more.
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