interdisciplinary approach, master, Master’s Degree course, pedagogical system, synergetics.Abstract
In the article the urgent problems of masters’ training in Ukraine have been considered, the main areas of study of the problem in pedagogical theory have been analyzed. Masters’ training has been considered as a pedagogical system. It has been proved that the masters’ training system in Ukraine is integral, multifunctional, dynamic and open structure, with inherent characteristics, hierarchical structure, framework links and it is aimed at creation of a new integrated quality (the totality of professional competence qualities of a Master's Degree Student - future specialist).
The role of a multidisciplinary approach in modern pedagogical researches and the importance of interdisciplinarity phenomenon in the educational process have been stated. There has been proved the possibility of application of ideas of synergetics to the study of the general principles of complex systems, including the development of pedagogical system of masters’ training in Ukraine. The phenomenon of self-organisation in the process of masters’ preparation as a possible direction of its optimization is studied. It is proved that the use of a multidisciplinary approach, including basic principles of synergy allows a new approach to the process of masters’ training, taking into consideration the transitional period of Master’s Degree course building in Ukraine and finding efficient ways of its development.
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