content ofpedagogy, educational technology, interdisciplinarity, pedagogy, phenomenological approach, regularity.Abstract
The author reflects on the role and importance of teaching science in the modern society, conducting a critical analysis of the changes that occur in education, determines the positive and negative in this process. Also the problem of modernization of pedagogical content and technology is updated, which is seen on social, theoretical and practical levels. The researcher emphasizes the need for a critical analysis of the transformations in teaching science in an interdisciplinary manner, the introduction of information technologies in education, taking into account didactic expediency.The author notes that taking into account the laws of society is a fundamental principle of understanding the changes that are needed in pedagogy today. One of these laws is the law of the unity of the main areas of human activity: material production, consumption, state and public administration, social, spiritual, and intellectual sphere of education and etc.Transitional nature of the modern era that made pedagogy as science in a difficult situation, due not only to review the methodology, content, and educational technology is determined. It should be noted that scientists pay attention to the polycentric pedagogical process. It confirms the fact that this process can not be one of the dominant paradigm, method and technology.Among the modern methods of pedagogy and educational technology focuses on those aimed at enhancing cognitive functions of personality, independence in learning, the intensification of this process: adaptive, synchronous, asynchronous, blended learning; "inverted" class technique;learning in the gamemore. The basis of all these technologies are information and communication resources. Scientists say that IT efficiency and effectiveness of training should be supplied with didactic provision.References
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