distribution channels, educational services, higher education institution, marketingAbstract
During the last years there has been a significant reduction in the number of students who are applying to higher education, which intensifies the competition among higher education institutions and universities to attract and trainees and students.The study and understanding of the channels of distribution of educational services and their preferences for different institutes and universities is important for the strategic planning and marketing of higher education institutions both from the standpoint promotion of services and so the offered level of the training.
Today, European integration and rapid development of information technologies leads to the appearance of new channels of distribution of educational services.
The article gives a typology of distribution channels, depending on the availability of using intermediaries, depending on the direction of used, depending on the level of development of information technologies and Internet, depending on the degree of saturation of the market of educational services, depending on the form of participation, depending on the territorial location, depending on the number of intermediaries affect the value of market contacts, depending on the stability of partnerships, depending on the length of the process of attracting potential students and trainees, etc.
So, efficient use of these channels of distribution gives unconditional competitive advantage of modern higher education institutions. The article describes the typology of distribution channels as one of the most popular spheres of modern marketing allowing supporting constant connection with students and trainees. Also perspectives of ways are channels of distribution related to increase popularity among all age groups with maximum reach of young generation and gives recommendations on their use.
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