competence of foreign language teacher, German language, goals of the educational process, methodical competence, Moodle platform, planning of lessons, types of tasks.Abstract
The article deals with the work’s organization of students, the future teachers of German, on the basis of the Moodle platform. The pursued aim is to improve the students’ methodical competence. Consequently, the article deals with the usage of specially designed teaching courses created by Goethe Institute from the series «Deutsch Lehren Lernen (DLL)» – «Learning how to Teach German». The access to the teaching courses was gained by Mariupol State University due to the signing of an agreement about cooperation with Goethe Institute in Ukraine in September 2016.In the article the structure of teacher competence is observed, classifications of competences are provided, the role and place of methodical competence in the structure of the overall competence of teachers is figured out. The methodical competence is defined as the ability to plan teaching activities, make use of a wide range of teaching methods, regarding the age of the students and the goals of the educational process; the ability to orientate in the modern methodological literature, choosing textbooks and other tools of learning according to the circumstances.The article provides information about the tasks which were fulfilled by the students on the Moodle platform within the framework of their self-study work, pursuing the goal of preparation for the teaching practice at school. The advantages of different types of tasks that are presented on the platform are mentioned.It is noted that, when working with the course, students discuss such important methodical issues as the programme’s requirements to the level of formedness ofspeech skills and language proficiency; Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; standards in the study of foreign languages; the basis of planning the lessons; the models of planning; forms, methods, approaches to teaching, etc. Such types of tasks as forum, blog, wiki, data base, mind map, test, quiz, and portfolio are represented on the platform.Another significant fact is that communication both among the students, and with the teacher-tutor, is done entirely in German on the Moodle platform. It presupposes that students’ language skills must correspond to not less than B2 level. The Moodle platform also contributes to the perfection of students’ language and speech competence.References
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