distance education, distance learning, professional competences, specialist in Documentation and information activities.Abstract
The author analyzed the expediency of using distance learning in the process of formation of professional competence for specialist Documentation and information activities; compared the concept of distance education and distance learning, marked by non-identity of terms. The author asserts that distance learning increases the efficiency of the learning process, allowing improving the level of education throughout life, tends to updated educational environment concept: no education for life, but education throughout life. The author considers that the systematic and systemic work with remote educational resource formed competencies that are important for a professional specialist in Documentation and information activity. Provides a list and reveals the essence of the individual professional competences, which, according to the author, are formed in the process of preparation of the future document processing in the distance learning mode. The author emphasizes that the basis for the formation of these competencies are the skills to work with information and communication technologies of all participants in the educational process: the academic staff and students. The article notes that the quality of distance education depends on the ability and competence of the teachers, and the intellectual and technical resources of the university, and from the administration of the educational environment of the institution, and on the social and communicative interactions in the whole country. According to the author, the use of distance learning resource allows to generate an appropriate level of professional competence of the future document processing based on a number of integrated, general and specific competences. In preparation for future documentologists in distance learning mode, the author traces the formation of the cognitive, operational, volitional, motivational, social, moral, behavioral components of professional competence.References
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