independent work of master students, innovative activity, master in technical translation, technical translation.Abstract
The article presents the features of independent work in frame of the education of masters in technical translation in the United States. The content and levels of independent work are defined. We justify the value of independent work as part of the master's program of technical translation, identify the stages of independent work of undergraduates in technical translation in US universities, and study the main results of independent work for masters in technical translation. The benefits of masters-interpreters autonomy in the context of employability are identified.
An independent study is an important factor in the preparation masters in technical translation in the United States and is often associated with other approaches to education, such as «personalization», «learner centered teaching» and «individual training».The discussion of the role of independent learning often occurs in the context of important issues such as the role of the teacher-student relationship and the role of informative and communicative technology in learning and teaching.
The advantages of independent work of masters in the United States consist in the fact that students can perform tasks with the speed that is comfortable for them and their learning style. Tasks can be defined individually; the level of details can be adjusted for each student, who can develop his own activities, so as to learn the courses fully and well-done. The individual work of future technical translators also includes the challenges that students must solve alone.
Their independent work provides students with the opportunity to work independently, but under the guidance of the teacher, and in the frame of the chosen theme or creative projects. Often the independent study of the undergraduate casts him ideas for his individual project, which occurs during training; for example, during a seminar devoted to the use of software Google Drive for technical translation, the student can develop his interest in accumulating service information in the "cloud" and ask the instructor to supervise him in the independent study focused exclusively within the subject for the next semester. Students can also develop creative projects in areas such as technical translation, software in translation, but not limited to.
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