


higher school teacher, teaching activities, research activities, Germany’s higher school.


The modern tendencies and priorities of improvement of teaching and research activities in Germany’s higher education have been considered in the article. The current discussion of further development of German higher school and the teacher’s place in it have been reviewed. The peculiarities of teachers’ training in Germany’s higher educational establishments for teaching and research activities have been highlighted. The problem field and possible ways to enhance the quality and efficiency of teaching and research activities in German educational establishments in the context of pan-European tendencies have been considered.

The analyzed current trends and priority directions of improvement of teaching and research activities in Germany’s higher education, allowed the author to conclude that, along with well-established university traditions, higher education in Germany strives for innovation, simultaneously enhancing the level of a teacher as a pedagogue and researcher. Among them:a variable approach; in the educational process - the focus on the latest achievements of science and innovation processes in practical activity sphere; introduction of innovative learning technologies; autonomy of universities; international integration; training of future professionals for the implementation of practical and teaching activities at a higher educational institution.Systemization and creative use of the achievements of Western colleagues will enable the determination of a coherent system of conditions necessary for their implementation in the national higher education sphere that will significantly increase the quality of teaching and research activities in Ukraine’s higher education.

Author Biography

Nina Batechko, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13 b Tymoshenko st., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, leading researcher at the Scientific and Research Laboratory of Educology


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How to Cite

Batechko, N. (2019). PRIORITIES OF IMPROVMENT OF TEACHING AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN GERMANY’S HIGHER SCHOOL. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (1-2), 109–115.

