art work, artistic comparison, literary process, professional training, teacher of Ukrainian literature.Abstract
The author explores the features of the use of artistic comparison into theprofessional training of future teachers of Ukrainian literature to the work with phenomena of literary processin the school course of Ukrainian literature. On the base of researches Lilik О. makes a conclusion that it is necessary to train the future teachers-philologists to the work with the phenomena of literary process for the effective analysis of literary works.
The author of this article analyzes the theoretical basis of comparative analysis of literary works and other art texts. Then she explores the schools’ curricula and programs of universities, analyzes the using of comparison analysis capabilities into the professional training.
On the base of these researches Lilik O. offers a model of using the artistic comparison in the professional training of future teachers of Ukrainian literature to the work with phenomena of literary process.
Methodological model of training of future teachers of the literature to the work with the phenomena of literary process on the base of the artistic comparison was created and probated in the context of the special course of methodology of teaching Ukrainian literature. The students-philologists of fifth course took part in the experiment.
The author defines the methods and techniques used by the teachers at the work with phenomena of literary process at the lessons of the literature, studies the role of another arts in mastering these notions and considers the ways of the raise of professional development of future teachers in this field.
Lilik O. formulates special recommendations for the practical training of students-philologists to the work with phenomena of literary process based on artistic comparison.
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