


French language, methodological competence, methodological skills, professionally oriented role play, teacher.


Methodological competence of a future French teacher is the result of professional training in High School and is demonstrated with their ability to efficiently fulfill all kinds of professional and methodological activity as well as long-term readiness for professional, methodological and self-development along the whole life. Methodological competence involves methodological knowledge and methodological skills which are formed and developed during methodological training in High School by using various means and ways of training. The article points out the peculiarities of organizing professionally oriented role play as a methodological means for organizing group activity of Master’s Degree students in learning methodological skills on the basis of artificially created situations of professional and methodological activity of a teacher of foreign languages and cultures. There are given the stages of organizing professionally oriented role play (preparation, role play itself, control and reflexive stages) as well as forms of organizing the teaching process for implementing them. The main aim of a role play is presentation by a Master’s Degree student his/her developed plan of a practical lesson, and the objects of control are methodological skills to define stages of forming speaking skills/developing the skills, choosing means and ways of teaching, compiling directions for tasks, etc. according to the teacher’s demands. The marking function is fulfilled by both the teacher and Master’s Degree students on the basis of the criteria given in the article. Optimum demands, feasibility and correctness in compiling tasks, positive psychological environment, atmosphere of creativity and easiness created by the teacher, desire to self-organizing in students’ activity result in higher efficiency of the process and results of professionally oriented play

Author Biography

Natalia Mayer, Kyiv National Linguistic University

Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Mayer, N. (2019). PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF ECONOMISTS: DIRECTION OF REALIZATION. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (1-2), 61–65.

