cultural creativity, cultural and creative competence, cultural and creative approach, humanities teachers, higher military educational establishments, professional competence.Abstract
This article provides a detailed analysis of the theoretical foundations for examination of the pressing issue of development of cultural and creative competence in humanities teachers of a higher military education establishment in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education; the decisive role of cultural creativity in generating competent military humanities teachers has been proved. The theoretical analysis taken in scientific studies on the issue revealed that introduction of a cultural and creative approach in the system of continuous professional education will provide for training of competent military teachers able to take a holistic approach while arranging humanitarian training of military personnel in higher military educational establishments, solve educational and teaching goals successfully, tackle the challenges and resolve conflicts single-handedly.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the cultural and creative approach in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, identify psycho-pedagogical prerequisites for development of cultural and creative competence in humanities teachers of higher military educational establishments.
On the basis of the material presented it was found that cultural and creative competence of a humanities teacher at a higher military educational establishment should be understood as part of professional competence, an integral indicator of the commitment to carry out productive educational activities, interact with students (cadets, learners) on subject-to-subject basis within the framework of cumulative dynamics in cultural knowledge, skills, aesthetic background, ideals and values of humanism, creative abilities and capacity for co-creative actions, etc.
The study found that the psycho-pedagogical prerequisites for development of cultural and creative competence are considered to be as follows: favorable microclimate arranged in learning environment and aimed to meet educational needs of an individual; dialogical interaction established between all members of the educational and teaching process; active learning technologies applied. Implementation thereof would provide the activated creative abilities, development of imagination, visual thinking, creative capabilities of humanities teachers at higher military educational establishments.
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