communication management, “the effect of semantic scissors”, pedagogical communication, semantic barriers.Abstract
The article is devoted to coverage of relevant aspects of pedagogical communication management. This management is aimed at the identification, neutralization and elimination of semantic barriers and improving the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction.
The author considers the peculiarities of pedagogical dialogue from a position of communications theory, analyzes the background and causes of semantic misunderstanding situations. Such situations arise because of the use of words in a conversation, which have more than one value, the specifics of the formation and perception of message in the minds of teacher and student, language and cultural differencies of those who communicate. The article describes how to resolve the inadequate interpretations in the course of pedagogical dialogue.
Communication is the most important professional tool of pedagogical activity. Communication affects the whole process of training and education as well as the goals and tasks of teaching and educational activities are implemented in the process of interaction of the teacher with students. Therefore, a teacher, as a rule, is not only the initiator of the pedagogical communication, as well as its organizer and conductor. Semantic barriers can significantly harm the effectiveness of the pedagogical process. Identifying and overcoming of these barriers is the primary task of the teacher. So, to overcome the semantic misunderstandings the teacher needs a complete picture of a particular student and use of this information in the future professional communication.
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