didactics, didactic strategies, competence practice oriented education, didactic concepts, laws, regularity, principles, methods, techniques.Abstract
The article deals with modern didactic training strategy in higher education of future professionals as a way to improve the efficiency of the educational process, its model. Competence of practice-oriented nature of the training involves the updating of pedagogical theory and practice of higher education, its methods and technologies. Characterized by features of the implementation of teaching strategies at the conceptual, normative and activity levels are determined essential changes in each of them.
The implementation of the competence-based practice-oriented professional training strategy needs a theoretical grounding at the level of new concepts, consistent patterns, conceptual approaches; preservation of traditional and identifying of new didactic principles as a normative basis of didactics; orientation at efficient learning methods and technologies aimed at the inclusion of students in active learning, expansion of types of educational activities as well as educational and professional activities.In the contemporary didactic system the essence of education and its quality depend on a combination of pedagogical process control with self-motivation, independence and cognitive activity of students, as well as practical application of the obtained knowledge and the use of didactic possibilities of new training information technologies.Thus, the success of the introduction of new teaching strategies in professional training of future professionals, as a way to improve their performance, depend on the consideration and practical implementation of the foregoing.
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