European Union, Europeanisation, higher education, quality assurance, Ukraine.Abstract
The article highlights the European progress of the Ukrainian higher education within the framework of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union and on the basis of Ukrainian legislation (Laws of Ukraine «On Higher Education» (2014) and «On Education» (2017), underlines that European integration of Ukraine is the strategy of development of the Ukrainian state, and the integration of the higher education system of Ukraine into the European Higher Education Area is recognized as one of the principles of state policy in the field of higher education.
It is determined that the quality assurance system of education, defined by the Ukrainian legislation, consists of a quality assurance system in educational institutions (internal quality assurance system); external quality education system; quality assurance systems in the activities of the governing bodies and institutions that carry out external quality assurance of education. It corresponds to the European philosophy and practice of ensuring the quality of education.
The characterization of the essence of Europeanization and Europeanization of higher education, European benchmarks in the field of higher education in the European Higher Education Area are provided. The author emphasizes that the dynamics of the implementation of these standards by the countries varies, although the commonality is the introduction of systems of internal quality assurance, external quality assurance, creation of an institution for the quality assurance of higher education.
The challenges that exist on the way of synchronization of the quality assurance system of higher education in Ukraine with the European standards, as outlined in the Standards and Recommendations for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, are highlighted.
A conclusion is made about the dynamic progress of the Europeanization of higher education in Ukraine and the need for further synchronization with European standards.
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