approaches, institutions of general secondary education, lyceum, specialized education.Abstract
Modern methods and experience of introducing educational training in general educational institutions of Ukraine are explored in this article, the significance and priorities of this phenomenon in the modern education system are determined. The analysis of legal documents, of research related to the problem of introducing profile education, the content and organization of profile education in general secondary education institutions attracts attention of many students, practitioners and teachers. The introduction of specialized education requires from the educational institution team as well as from the head, a specific, meaningful, reasonable choice of the ways of school's activities. PEI «Lyceum of the Kiev International University» is an example of implementation of the effective system of education; the subjects and content of work with lyceum students are given. A unique educational trajectory is presented: a mutual partnership in the system «Lyceum-University», which is carried out with the aim of implementing the Concept of profile education, and is displayed in multi-vector forms of cooperation, such as (namely):
- teaching profile subjects, specialised courses and electives by teachers of the Kiev International University: doctors, candidates of sciences, associate professors, postgraduate student
- teaching core subjects, special courses and electives by Kiev International University teachers: by doctors, candidates of science, associate professors, graduate students;
- participation of lyceum students and teachers in scientific conferences, seminars held at the University;
- scientific and methodological support the IAS student research works by the University teachers;
- carrying out traditional trainings and master classes by teachers of the University for lyceum students, organization and holding of international, All-Ukrainian forums, Universiades;
- preparation of programs, textbooks, scientific and methodological manuals;
- extracurricular activities (consultations, special courses, professional orientation circles «Stage art», «Video-making»;
- practically-oriented course «Technology» studying;
- group work at the University by attracting lyceum students;
- acquaintance with practical experience in a particular profession by conducting excursions to the enterprise, meetings with famous people, who have professional experience in a particular industry. In general, and specific examples identified general trends in the development of specialized education in Ukraine, the main goal of which is a value mission, a higher level of education quality, equal access to quality educational services.
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