Certification training, information and communication technologies, informatization of education, LMS Google Classroom, online communication, postgraduate education, practical psychologistAbstract
The article describes approaches to the construction of modern educational communication, the improvement of methodological and technological components of the courses organization for the improvement of the qualification of practical psychologists of pre-school establishments in accordance with the social order of the society. Outlined the institution of postgraduate pedagogical education teacher approaches to the development and application in the educational process information and communication technologies - LMS Google Classroom, as platforms of educational and network synchronous or asynchronous communication. The focus is on using LMS Google Classroom as a way of educational online interaction in the process of improving the skills of a practical psychologist and the means of organizing access to educational and scientific materials. Described its approximate application in the reproductive and creative activity of the students on the courses of professional development, professional activity of the psychologist, consultations with parents, colleagues and others. Determined the specifics of the model of project activity management during the auditorium and non-audition work of practical psychologists in the postgraduate education institution and the main tasks of the teacher, providing the organization of their research and creative work, both individual and collective. The advantages of using cloud technologies for the organization of the educational online interaction environment at the courses of advanced training, the peculiarities of the dissemination of computer-mediated pedagogical influences through the use of the Google Classroom learning management system, envisaging dialogic methods of interaction, opportunities for activating the cognitive and communicative activity of the students, are summarized.References
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