adapted physical exercises, formation, future professional activity, future speech therapist, readiness.Abstract
The article provides a definitive analysis of the base concepts of the study of forming the readiness of future speech therapists to apply adapted physical exercises in future professional activities. Clarified the concepts of «speech therapist», «specialist», «professional speech therapist». Examined the concepts of «professional education», «professional training», «professional self-determination» as the components of the base concept «professional activity». The base concept of «adapted physical exercises» is explained through the key terms of «physical education», «adaptation», «exercise», «movement», «tone», «muscles»; clarified the concepts of «professional readiness» and «formation of readiness». The ultimate base concept of the study is formulated that «the readability of future speech therapists to apply adapted physical exercises in future professional activities» is interpreted as an integrated education that allows organizing corrective work with children of all ages with different speech disorders aimed at effectively overcoming speech disorders (or improvement I will become), consolidate and stabilize the results of corrective work in the future life of the child through the use of adapted physical exercises.
The final base concept of the research is formulated that, «the readiness of future speech therapists to apply adapted physical exercises in future professional activities» is interpreted as an integrated formation/education that allows organizing corrective work with children of all ages with different speech disorders, aimed at effectively overcoming speech disorders (or improvement of well being), consolidation and stabilization formation of the results of corrective work in the future life of a child through the use of adapted physical exercises.
One of the promising directions of our further research on this problem is the formation of the content of disciplines focused on the formation of readiness of future speech therapists to apply adapted physical exercises in future professional activities.
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