electronics engineer, electronics professionals training, expert in electronics, professional training, tertiary education, US higher education institution.Abstract
The article explores the impact of the rapid development of electronic devices and systems in the world, in particular in the USA on setting the new challenges for Ukrainian engineering universities to attract advanced experience in training Electronics Engineering professionals. Since there are differences in the interpretation of a number of concepts in the area of Electronic Engineering in Ukrainian education as compared to the US, the article examines the relationship between the terms «electrical» and «electronic engineering», defines and compares such concepts as «electronics specialist», «electronics engineer», «professional training of electronics specialists», and «US higher education institution» in Ukrainian and US educational and scientific settings. The article advances our understanding of professional occupation outlook of a specialist in as a professional, who studies the field of electronic engineering, and is involved in the study, design, development or testing of electronic components, circuits and systems for commercial, industrial, military or scientific use using knowledge of electronic theory and its properties. By comparing Ukrainian and US higher education institutions in terms of their views and approaches to training electronics engineers and mutual understanding of Electronic Engineering as an electrical engineering discipline, together these findings provide important insights into application of engineering training practices into Ukrainian tertiary engineering settings, give grounds for a further research into pedagogical theory as well as organization and network of higher education institutions for training electronics engineers in order to implement the best practices in higher education institutions of Ukraine.References
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