academic integrity, ethical code, moral and ethical behavior, manifestations of academic integrity, plagiarism, student, university.Abstract
The article outlines the conceptual foundations for the academic integrity formation in future teachers during vocational training; the essence of the academic integrity concept, its contents in relation to the formation of personal and professional characteristics of a competent specialist is researched; the attitude towards the displays of academic insecurity among the students of the specialty "Preschool education" is determined. The author investigates the increase in the number of the academic integrity principles violations in higher education institutions. The European experience in shaping the moral and ethical behavior of a future specialist in the education field is highlighted as a model for Ukraine to struggle with tolerance to academic insecurity manifestations in the educational process. Based on a systematic analysis, we have proved that academic integrity is the rules, moral and ethical principles that all participants in the educational process must use for building an atmosphere of mutual trust in the academic environment, updating the education system. Understanding and adopting academic norms based on systematic work and motivation is a necessary phenomenon for future educators. Updating the system of higher education is possible only with the active participation of students in reforms, proposals for ways to improve the educational process. Many institutions of higher education in Ukraine already have «Ethical Codes», which prescribe the principles of academic integrity at the legislative level. The next step for the restoration of our country's academic culture will be the creation of ethical commissions, which will clearly regulate sanctions and penalties for non-compliance with ethical norms in the educational and scientific environment. Academic integrity has gained special significance for the educational environment, and only joint efforts of the entire academic community may form the ultimate corporate culture of the university. It is necessary to deal comprehensively with tolerant attitude of students towards negative phenomena of violation of ethical principles in educational and scientific activities.References
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