academic staff, Bologna process, communique, European Higher Education Area, European Research Area, fundamental values, value orientations, value principles.Abstract
The value orientations of the Bologna process and these values’ implementation tools are revealed based on the analysis of international regulations. It is established that the Bologna process fundamental values are academic freedom, institutional (university) autonomy, indivisibility of teaching and research, preservation of the European humanism traditions. It is grounded that the following values were introduced in the list during the first decade of reforming the participating countries’ higher education: student centered learning, quality and innovative character of higher education, state responsibility for higher education and social equity, etc. It is enlightened that in accordance with the generally accepted values there was initiated the development of common, comparable indicators for determining the higher education institutions’ achievements in implementing the Bologna process principles. It made it possible not only to highlight the state of the European Higher Education Area development in the middle of the Bologna process, but also to identify the challenges and problems of higher education in general and to prevent their unpredictable consequences. It is proved that the established value orientations of the Bologna process for the higher education system provided an appropriate reflection on the academic staff activities and their following the corresponding requirements. Taking into account the positive results of the higher education reforming during the Bologna process formation and development in 1988-2009 the higher education value priorities for the next decade are defined, which should be implemented in all directionsReferences
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