democracy, education, ideology, morality, personality, public opinion, reality, re-education, society, upbringing.Abstract
In this article was researched to the philosopher neo-marxist Theodor Adorno´s attitude to the phenomenon of public opinion in the context of his philosophical educational works. It was discovered that public opinion in the reality of a post-totalitarian society was falsified through the residual existence of a totalitarian ideology. This is caused by the irrational mood of the existing supporters of such ideologies that are negatively oriented towards democratic transformations in the post-totalitarian society and they foolishly wish to return to power a totalitarian political regime. Also, these moods receive support from media owners who were educated and upbringing during the previous political power of the supporters of totalitarian ideology. The factor that is set to fight this influence on the collective consciousness of this social system is the personal spirit of such a person who possesses knowledge of the political crimes of the previous totalitarian power. The joint and conscious actions of such people, who understand of special importance for society to the idea of democracy, are aimed at socio-cultural humanistic changes. These people are able to execute themselves to anti-ideological re-education and upbringing. The main element of these changes is the renewal of the educational process, the purpose of which is to raise the «political maturity» of the representative of the younger generation. He must be educated as an active participant to democratic transformations in a post-totalitarian country, which is the result of building up a real civil society. Also, a representative of democratic youth, along with other citizens, must prevent the repetition of political crimes of the previous totalitarian power.References
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