adult education, competency approach, competency-oriented lessons, improvement of professional skills of pedagogical workers, key competencies, methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language, modelling, postgraduate pedagogical education, research activity, situational and communicative tasks.Abstract
The article describes the content characteristics of the basic concepts of research. The principal differences between competence and knowledge approaches in the educational process are revealed and a comparative characteristic is designed. The competence approach differs significantly from the knowledge of all the characteristics of the organization of the educational process: the main and fundamental difference is the focus on the result of schooling, and the result is not the amount of information learned, but the ability of a person to successfully act in different situations. Modelling the lessons that systematic and purposeful formation of subject and key competencies in students requires a different, substantially changed typology of Ukrainian language lessons. The technology of modelling of knowledge oriented Ukrainian language lessons is requested. The structure and models of modelling of competence-oriented tasks are presented. Situational tasks are an intermediate stage between the students' acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities of the practical use of such knowledge in everyday life situations. The main task of such tasks – the formation of skills to navigate in the imaginary or conditional communication, to match the objectives and conditions of communication language means. In addition, the execution of such cases promotes the formation of not only communicative skills of students, but also the skills of the culture of communication, the adoption of rules of etiquette. Competently oriented tasks are distinguished primarily by the fact that they provide for the search activity of students, the implementation of methods of independent, pair, group research activities, the creation of conditions for the formation of objective and key competencies. Teachers are provided with counselling, teacher training, scientific and methodological clusters, trainings, seminars, webinars, etc. on the typology of competency-oriented lessons, simulation of lessons and structuring of competency-oriented tasks at teacher training coursesReferences
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