activity, active personality, initiative, social activity, social initiative, youth.Abstract
The article presents the theoretical analysis and systematization of the approaches to the definition of the «social activity» concept. The definition of «activity» is used as an independent concept in various fields of science, and as an additional element in different systems. In scientific thought the concepts of «active person», «initiative» and «social initiative» etc. are used as the derivatives of the term. The analysis of encyclopedic, psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to distinguish the following approaches to the concept of «social activity»: as a dynamic personality characteristic that reflects the level of orientation of abilities, knowledge, skills, concentration of volitional and creative efforts of the individual to realize his or her urgent needs, interests, goals; as a way of life, characterized by the ability to act on his or her own, performing a personal beginning in new forms and activities; as the connection of the individual with the social environment through conscious, purposeful interaction of the individual and society taking into account the personal reasons for which people are influencing each other and various socially useful activities. The given essential characteristics of the concept of «social activity» certainly do not cover all aspects of terminological foundations, but act as certain guidelines that in the context of studying the problem of forming youth social activity made it possible to determine social activity as an integrated personal activity in order to initiate, plan, implement the socially useful activities in the communicative social environment, taking into account their own needs, the needs of society and personal qualities that contribute to its implementation. Considering the age of participants, young people need the possibility of self-realization in socially meaningful activities, participation in which gives them confidence in their own strength, the opportunity to acquire personal and social status, important social experience, realize their interests and needs.References
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