design, innovation, project, social work, technology.Abstract
The article defines the essence and content of the concepts of «innovation», «social innovation» and «social technologies». Society exists and operates on the basis of practice. One of the most important forms of social existence is social practice, aimed primarily at social change. The sources of social innovation are changes in the external environment, social problems that arise and which cannot be solved with the help of traditional methods, as well as changes in the needs of society and its members. Innovation also includes social design. The origins of the idea of project training are considered. It is determined that the training of specialists for the social sphere is actively developing on the basis of scientific views of various scientific schools of social work. The professional activity of social workers involves constant interpersonal contacts with people in need of assistance. Therefore, the use of pedagogical innovations in the process of training social workers, based on the active subject-subjective interaction of participants in the educational process, is being updated. These are interactive technologies (technology cooperation) that are widely used in higher education institutions and studied by foreign and domestic scientists. It is revealed that in practice of social work, designing is a component of the management of social services, the component of self-management of social work specialists and social technology is aimed at forecasting and implementing social innovations. The effectiveness of a specialist in social work, his professionalism, depends on knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as on preparedness for activities in a changing environment, the ability to design and implement social innovation.References
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