accreditation, learning outcomes, higher education quality assurance, quality of knowledge.Abstract
The article presents an analysis of the compliance of the state approach to the accreditation of the specialty, the direction and the higher educational institution to the real situation in Ukrainian education. It is noted that the implementation of accreditation in the national system of education is characterized by a controlling and punitive approach and is a manifestation of a formalized system of educational management in general. Comparison of accreditation approaches in world practice is analysed and the need to reform the national system for determining the quality of work of higher educational institutions is emphasized. Attention is drawn to the ambiguity of using the category «knowledge quality» to determine the quality of higher education, rather than the wider content of the category «learning outcomes». These requirements do not take into account the level of preparation of entrants, the status of higher educational establishments, the level of competition among entrants to a higher educational establishment, the personal educational progress of students, they are characterized by a non-differentiated approach, create conditions for corruption phenomena in the system of education. Based on the statistical data on the results of the external independent evaluation tasks, a lower level of knowledge of graduates of secondary schools to state requirements has been demonstrated to the level of students’ knowledge quality. The implementation of integrated professional-oriented tasks by graduate students as an indicator of their learning outcomes during the accreditation process is proposed.References
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