evaluation criteria, Mary Ellen Richmond, social work, social work effectiveness.Abstract
This article analyzes the existing approaches to understanding the concept of «effectiveness of social work»; examines the relationship between the concepts of «effect», «effectiveness», «efficiency»; showing some generalizations existing classification criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of social work and social policy implementation, which in turn allowed the study of the theory and practice of social work in the work of Mary Ellen Richmond and accordingly determine the list of performance indicators. In the study two groups of indicators of effectiveness have been allocated. The first group of indicators is personal characteristics of the client and social worker: motivation and interest during work; personal qualities; the presence or absence of certain competencies. The second group is external indicators: level of legislative security; a network of subjects for the implementation of social work; the level of cooperation between state and non-governmental organizations; taking into account requirements in assessing the effectiveness of working with different groups of clients; form of assistance provided to clients; control over the implementation of the action plan of the social worker together with the client; climatic features of the region; the industrial conditions of the region; political changes; social reforms. Every social worker or volunteer in the social sphere will be able to work more qualitatively when understanding the performaReferences
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