certification of preschool teachers in the UK, diploma, qualification requirements, professional competence, professional profiles in Great BritainAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept meaning «qualification» in the European scientific terminology, analyzes its contextual peculiarities. It is distinguished that what is meant by qualification requirements is characterized by documents certifying the qualification of a teacher in European countries, as well as the terminology «qualified preschool teacher» in the context of the European dimension of higher education is explained. The author outlines the analysis of peculiarities of pre-school teachers’ qualifications in the UK. Among the key competencies of the pre-school teacher, which governs the qualification requirements for «Early Years Professional with EYP Status» in the UK, the following are identified: Knowledge and understanding of the peculiarities of the planning, organization and implementation of the educational process, effective professional activities, mutual understanding and cooperation with children, communication and ability to work with families and caregivers, teamwork and cooperation, professional development. The factors influencing the formation of qualification requirements and the content of professional competence are determined. The main professional profiles and profiles of the professional competence of preschool teachers in Britain are described in the article; the main contradictions in the attribution of qualifications are outlined in the issue. Proficiency profiles for UK preschool teachers include a description of the requirements for working with children, parents, colleagues, the public and self-development competencies for the qualification of «Early Years Professional with EYP Status». The research’s results identifies, that the qualification requirements for preschool teachers in the UK, despite on the diversity of the administrative system and the functioning of the three models of vocational training, are characterized by similarity and, in general, are of an integrated nature. In the restructuring of pre-school teacher training in the United Kingdom, in particular, professional competence, the content of training, the development and improvement of professional profiles have been prioritized.References
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