educational and methodical complex, instrumental and activity-based component, integration processes, interactive technologies, social reflection.Abstract
The article deals with problems related to the study of the peculiarities of the instrumental and activitybased component of the functional structure of the social reflection of a future teacher. It describes the priority of the application of forms, methods, technologies of interactive learning activities of students, and systems of subject-subjective relationships in their context. It emphasizes the criteria for selection of educational tasks for the development of social reflection of future teachers, peculiarities of algorithms of the implementation of these tasks within the framework of a particular training course. This work indicates the need to develop methodological complexes in educational disciplines that have the potential for development of social reflection, to ensure their orientation towards self-education of the student, and the self-development of socio-reflective competence, as a result. Conceptually and technologically, the methodological complex must let a student work independently following the priorities of professional development within its bounds. This includes the method of goalsetting, recommendations for working out the theoretical block on a specific problem, strategy, tactics of independent work. The methodological complex should also include algorithms of the organization of educational actions, criteria and methods of choice of forms, methods, types of training and technologies of the organization of educational activity. Besides, it should cover both methods of diagnosis of the effectiveness of the formation of social reflection, as well as methods of the efficacy of technology of training organization, aimed at achieving the goals set.References
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