acmeological approach, higher school teacher, master’s degree course.Abstract
The article reveals the peculiarities of using the acmeological approach as a theoretical and methodological basis for modeling the process of higher school teachers training in the conditions of a master’s degree course. It has been noted that acmeology in the process of studying the patterns and mechanisms of development of the future teacher during the period of study at a master’s degree course, allows to adjust the curricula and programs for the preparation of masters – future teachers of higher educational institutions, for the goal of their individual development as professionals and personalities. The conditions for the professional development of future higher school teachers in the conditions of the master’s degree course have been stated. Among them are the development of the future sphere, the improvement of the educational process under the master’s program, the innovative nature of the master’s degree studies, and the model of the organization of education. The acmeological model of the professional development of the teacher of higher school in the conditions of the a master’s degree course has been built, which makes it possible to trace the direct connection between the stages of the development of his professionalism: professional self-knowledge, professional self-education, professional self-development and professional self-improvement with the need of s master degree student to aspire to «acme» tops. From the positions of the acmeological approach it is proved that the training of teachers of higher school in the conditions of the master’s degree course is a dynamic system that is constantly evolving, changing, acquiring new personal and individual psychological characteristics allowing the future teacher to have wide opportunities for social and professional adaptation.References
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