Bologna Process, European Higher Education Area, higher education, Grinchenko University, internationalization, strategy of internationalization.Abstract
The article deals with the theoretical analysis of the problem of internationalization of higher education in the context of introducing reforms of the Bologna process in the European region and, in particular, in Ukraine; the historical periods of formation of the internationalization of higher education from the moment of the first European universities emerged; it was determined that universities at their institutional level are important participants in internationalization and, in accordance with local specifics, their understanding of the objectives of ensuring the quality of education and development priorities must develop their own strategies for internationalization; on the example of the Grinchenko University it is substantiated that the development of the institutional strategy of internationalization is one of the key priorities of the development of university education in Ukraine. Modern information and communication technologies, the rapid development of distance learning, the growing popularity of Internet universities form a single world educational market in which higher education institutions from different countries of the world, without restricting themselves national borders, offer their services in conditions of strict international competition. The processes of Ukraine’s integration into the world educational space, in particular its accession to the Bologna Process, determine the creation of a competitive sphere of Ukrainian higher education. The urgency of the problem of internationalization, which reflects the idea of openness of education and science in the world and has significant modernizing potential, lays the foundation for its scientific reflection on the integration into the national context of the best international standards of higher education quality. These imperatives should serve as a guideline for the institutional strategy of internationalization as a key priority for the development of university education in Ukraine in order to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian higher education institutions and their integration into the European educational space.References
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