advantages of simulation training, case-based learning, medical education, simulation technologies, simulation trainingAbstract
The article discusses the necessity of widespread implementation of simulation technologies into medical education as a source of forming the professional competence of doctors and reducing the number of medical errors. The article describes the modern classification of simulation training. Modern simulation technologies include verbal simulations (role-playing games), standardized patients (actors), exercise simulators (physical or virtual models), virtual patients (computer technology), electronic patients (mannequins in simulated hospital settings). Simulations are the development and improvement of technical and non-technical skills and abilities through realistic models (biological, mechanical, electronic, virtual or hybrid). Simulation technologies cannot replace the experience gained near the «patient’s bed», but the simulation training provides a number of advantages: the clinical experience gained in the virtual environment does not pose a risk to the patient; objectification of the assessment of the achieved level of skill; unlimited number of repetitions for skills training; practice of rare and life-threatening pathologies; a part of the functions of the teacher takes on a virtual simulator that increases the availability of education; reduction of stress during the first independent manipulations; the training takes place regardless of the schedule of the clinic’s work; development as individual skills and abilities. The advantages of the introduction of simulation technologies into medical education for all subjects of medical education and medical care are analyzed. Modeling clinical situations in conditions close to real, allows students and doctors to be trained, increasing the level of safety for patients. For all subjects of medical education and medical care, the advantages of implementing simulation training have been demonstratedReferences
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