all-Ukrainian experiment, inclusive education, professional education, professional orientation, professional self-determination, professional training, special education, special educational needs.Abstract
The article reveals the importance of experimental activity in the process of improving and updating the educational process in educational institutions. It is shown that modern pedagogical science is designed to work on the advancement and to offer to the consideration by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine the experimentally tested modern methods, educational technologies, models and systems with the draft normative provision of their introduction into the education system. The introduction of educational innovations across the country should be preceded by an examination of its effectiveness through the experimental and innovative way in the real mode of the educational process of educational institutions. Such activity is carried out on the basis of the Regulations on the procedure for the implementation of innovative educational activities. The purpose, task, content of experimental work on the problem «Scientific and methodical principles of forming the professional competence of people with special educational needs», which will be carried out during 2019-2024 years, is revealed. The content of experimental work of scientists and practitioners consists in theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence of students with special educational needs with mental disorders, with disorders of the spectrum of autism, with speech impairment, hearing, vision, emotional-volitional sphere, support-foot apparatus in the institutions of vocational education. The necessity of training specialists, which, taking into account the social and social condition of people with special educational needs, was able to ensure the formation of their professional competence in vocational (vocational) education institutions, was engaged in the preparation of children with special educational needs for professional self-determination.References
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Copyright (c) 2020 Vira Kornіat, Kateryna Ostrovska, Ihor Ostrovskii, Svyatoslav Slobodyan

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