economic sector, professional training, Republic of Poland, specialists.Abstract
The article deals with the problem of specialists’ professional training in economic sector in the Republic of Poland in pedagogical theory. The article is considered problems of specialists’ professional training in economic sector in the Republic of Poland in pedagogical researches domestic and Polish scholars. The author generalizes that in modern pedagogical studies considerable attention is paid to the peculiarities and conditions of professional training of the future economists; the author pays attention to the factors influencing the professional training of the specialists’ professional training in economic sector. It is revealed that domestic scientists actively conduct scientific comparative-pedagogical researches on the problems of training of the specialists’ professional training in economic sector in Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. It is emphasized that the subject of scientific researches of Polish scientists is: the problems of methodology of professional training at the universities of the country; general principles of training of the future specialists of the economic branch in the context of the needs of Polish financial institutions. It is noted that despite the considerable number of pedagogical studies of domestic researchers on the problems of development of specialists’ professional training in economic sector in the Republic of Poland, in the context of the needs of the modern economy, it has not become a holistic solution. In particular, there are tendencies for the development of specialists’ professional training in economic sector n the Republic of Poland, in line with the requirements of the single European higher education area, outside the attention of scientists. Features are highlighted specialists’ professional training in economic sector in higher education institutions of the Republic of Poland. It is generalized that modern scientific researches on the problem of professional training of specialists in the field of economics in the Republic of Poland is a significant theoretical advancement and practical recommendations.References
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