national standard, normative legal support, professional standard layout, professional training, professional standard, structure of vocational trainingAbstract
The article analyzes the normative legal support for the development of professional standards in the context of continuing education in the European countries and in Ukraine. The types of professional standards in the European Union countries that are used in the system of vocational education are distinguished. A typical model of a professional standard of specialist training is presented. The principles of developing professional standards in the system of national education are highlighted: assessment of requirements to the general and professional competencies of certain labour functions and the use of common criteria for their formation; the objectivity of determining the names, content and volume of labor functions by type of employment; taking into account the successful international experience of the countries. It is characterized the program of specialists’ professional training in Germany «Innovations in professional training», the principles of which are: optimization of vocational training for low-income citizens, which requires the reorganization of the financial support system; provision through corporate learning to optimize the transition from one qualification to another; the flexibility of vocational education; expansion of practice bases; increase of employment opportunities; expanding the possibilities of transition from one qualification to another; increasing mobility and level of education; strengthening of the dual system of education; cooperation in the field of industry, education and politics. A comparative analysis of the concepts that make up the scientific thesaurus of the study of standards of vocational training in the countries of the European Union is carried out. It is noted that in the European scientific discourse different names are used to designate the qualifications which are defined in the EU by certain peculiarities: national professional qualifications; certification professional qualifications; professional qualifications. The approaches to professional standards in the European educational space are determined.References
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