ethics, mental and ethical qualities in future specialists from entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity, methods of scientific research, morality, multy-degree system of education.Abstract
In the article attention is focused on one of the most important problems of formation of future specialist from entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity – presence of the formed mental and ethical values. It is marked that trade and exchange activity require a presence in the personnel of such personality qualities as: discipline, politeness, responsibility, communicational skills, tactfulness, tolerance, being collected, exactness. They are formed in the process of theoretical-practical training of future specialist and directly because of atmosphere at the job. The aim of the article is to determine the essence and ways of forming of mental and ethical qualities in future specialists from entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity. Maintenance of the key concept «mental and ethical values» is found out and the formulation is given. It is a presence of the formed common to all mankind values and norms of moral behaviour, which is predefined by modern European direction of integration in different spheres (educational, economic, humanitarian and others like that). Separate scientific investigation services are analysed. Researchers point out the importance of formation of mental and ethical values in future professional activity. In the process of research it is found out about content of curricula and working programs from professional disciplines, complex plans of educational work, directions of activity of a group; methodology of scientific research of the problem. Experimental work required determination of scientific methodologies of research. Author is distinguishing two methodologies: diagnostics of the ways person thinks (B. Bass), questionnaire methodology «Scale of emotional review» (A. Megrabyana and N. Epstein). Results certify that systematic work is needed in the process of preparation of future specialist in establishments of higher education. The separate ways of forming of mental and ethical values are found out in students: folk pedagogics, out-of-classroom (extracurricular) work, participation in business-tournaments. We see the prospects of further researches in certain methods of extracurricular work that will influence formation of personality.References
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