acmeology, acme-synergic supply service, adaptive control, functions of personnel reserve, personnel reserveAbstract
The article reveals the essence and peculiarities of the personnel reserve formation in the institution of higher education. The functionality of the personnel reserve of the modern higher school is analyzed from two viewpoints: the viewpoint of an institution of higher education (functions are information, personnel planning, resource saving, anti-crisis, regulatory) and the viewpoint of a reservist (career-orientation, motivational, developmental functions). The personnel reserve management is represented by several approaches: classical (training is tied to the competence of a particular position); the personnel reserve management in the context of the concept of talent management (development on the grounds of needs and deficits in the competence of succession pool members); synthetic (the personnel reserve is a self-organized community and a training program). The best thing is to use adaptive control technology in order to regulate relationships between members of the personnel reserve, and assist them in the implementation of professional self-development and self-improvement. Adaptive control is founded on the acme-synergic principles, as it provides favorable conditions for self-organization, self-knowledge, self-understanding, self-determination, self-prediction and self-design, self-actualization and self-realization of a person as a subject of professional activity. Main lines of work of the acme-synergic service are informational-analytical (general department); organizational-designing (prognostic department); acmeological-technological (technological department); psychological (department of acme-synergic support); research (analytical department).References
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